Basic SEO Tips

While SEO techniques can be highly advanced, there are many things the average website owner can do to improve the ranking of their website(s) in the search engines. For less competitive keywords, the below advice might be enough to meet your needs.

All websites would be well-served to have the following, at a minimum:

1. Take measurements: You wouldn’t try to lose weight without getting on the scale once in a while. Avoid doing the same with your SEO efforts. There are a variety of toolbars and websites, like Alexa and Woorank, that can help to track the results of your SEO efforts. GTmetrix has a good website speed/load-time test.

2. Choose the right keywords: What is your website about? What is your desired web traffic likely to search for? How popular and relevant are the appropriate keywords? Spend the time to choose the right keywords. There are many tools available to research keywords, including Google’s own tool.

3. Create internal links: Internal links are free and easy to create. You’ll keep your audience on your website longer and have more opportunity to create a long-lasting relationship with your traffic. Link back to your older material so people know it’s there.

4. Create relevant external links: Link to authority sites. You never know when you’ll get some links pointing back in your direction. Search engines expect that you’ll have some external links.

5. Have a sitemap: Sitemaps can make it a lot easier for the search engines to find all of your web pages. Search engines rely on indexing programs referred to as ‘spiders’ to crawl through your website. A sitemap makes it easier for these spiders to find everything quickly and efficiently.

6. Use image descriptions: The search engines can’t figure out whether you have a picture of a dog or a rocket on your website, yet. Making use of ALT tags is the best way to let the search engines know what your picture is all about. ALT tags were originally created to help those with vision challenges identify the content of images via text-to-voice programs.

7. Quality content: Have the best content you can create . . . then be sure that it’s updated regularly. Adding new content is the best way to keep your website fresh and to show the search engines that you’re serious.

8. Make use of social media: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN, Pinterest, and all the rest are great ways to people to share your content with others. Think of it as free advertising. Learning to use these tools effectively is a feat in itself. Do the necessary research to do a good job.

While competitive keywords can potentially require a tremendous amount of expertise, time, and money to achieve success, there are many things the average website owner can do to improve the rank of his or her website. Put these 8 ideas into action and see what happens.

Skipping these SEO basics will get you nowhere fast and you’ll lack the foundation necessary to get the maximum number of visitors to your site.

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